Class: Bacillariophyceae

Item count: 1063
Genus Speciessort descending Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Chaetoceros pendulus Chilka Lake Karsten
Navicula pennata Bay of Bengal A.S
Navicula pennata maxima Bay of Bengal Cl
Triceratium pentacrinus quadrata Bay of Bengal Hust
Perissonoë pentagona Bay of Bengal Desikachary et al
Navicula peregina Western Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus perforatus Chennai Hustedt
Coscinodiscus perforatus Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Chaetoceros perpusillus Chilka Lake Cleve
Chaetoceros peruvianus Chennai Brightwell
Chaetoceros peruvianus forma robusta Chennai Hustedt
Chaetoceros peruvianus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros peruvianus Central Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros peruvianus Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros peruvianus robusta Bay of Bengal Brightwell
Chaetoceros peruvianus Chilka Lake Brightwell
Asteromphalus peterssonii Bay of Bengal Th. Smith
Cerataulus petitii Bay of Bengal L.F
Pseudoauliscus petitti Bay of Bengal L.F
Bacillaria pixillifer Bay of Bengal Hendey
Cocconeis placentula Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Biddulphia plana Bay of Bengal Schmidt
Cymatodiscus planetophorus Bay of Bengal Hendey
Navicula pregrina Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Amphora proteus Bay of Bengal Greg
Amphora proteus oculata Bay of Bengal Perag
Cocconeis pseudomarginata Bay of Bengal Greg
Diploneis puella Chennai Cleve
Biddulphia pulchella Chennai Gray
Biddulphia pulchella Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Plagiogramma pulchellum Bay of Bengal Grev
Detonula pumila Bay of Bengal SchÜtt
Rhabdonema punctatum Bay of Bengal Stodder
Nitzschia pungens Chilka Lake Cleve
Navicula pusila Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Mastogloia quinquecostata Bay of Bengal Grun
Mastogloia quinquecostata kerguelensis Bay of Bengal Cl
Coscinodiscus radiatus Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus radiatus Hoogly Estuary
Coscinodiscus radiatus Vellar Estuary
Actinocyclus radiatus Bay of Bengal Ratt
Coscinodiscus radiatus Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Hyalodiscus radiatus minor Bay of Bengal Cl.& Grun
Navicula radiosa Western Bay of Bengal
Navicula rectangulata Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia reinholdtii Central Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus reniformis Bay of Bengal Castr
Pyxidicula reniformis Bay of Bengal Desik.& Ranjitha Devi
Biddulphia reticulata Bay of Bengal Roper
Triceratium reticulatum Vellar Estuary
Triceratium reticulum Chennai Ehrenberg
Trigonium reticulum Bay of Bengal Simonsen
Biddulphia rhombus Chennai W. Smith
Biddulphia rhombus Western Bay of Bengal
Biddulphia rhombus Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Navicula rhyncocephala Western Bay of Bengal
Perissonoë robertisianum Bay of Bengal Grev
Triceratium robertsianum Chennai Greville, 1863
Rhizosolenia robusta Chennai Norman
Rhizosolenia robusta Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Rhizosolenia robusta Central Bay of Bengal
Rhizosolenia robusta Vellar Estuary
Surirella robusta Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Surirella robusta splendida Bay of Bengal V.H
Synedra robusta Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Diploneis robustus Chennai Subrahmanyan, 1946
Asteromphalus roperianus Bay of Bengal Ralfs
Asteromphalus roperianus delicatula Bay of Bengal Desikachary & Prem, 1987
Mastigloia rostrata Central Bay of Bengal
Mastogloia rostrata Bay of Bengal Hust
Coscinodiscus rothii var sub-sala Chennai GrÜnow
Coscinodiscus rothii Central Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus rothii Bay of Bengal Grun
Asteromphalus sarcophagus Bay of Bengal Wallich
Navicula schummaniana Western Bay of Bengal
Hyalodiscus scoticus Bay of Bengal Grun
Auliscus sculptus Chennai Ralfs
Auliscus sculptus Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Auliscus sculptus Bay of Bengal Ralfs
Cocconeis scutellum Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Coscinodiscus sdubtilis Central Bay of Bengal
Denticulopsis seminae Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Actnoptychus senarius Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Nitzschia seriata Chennai Cleve
Nitzschia seriata Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Nitzschia seriata Krishna Estuary
Nitzschia seriata Godavari Estuary
Nitzschia seriata Visakhapatnam Harbour
Nitzschia seriata Madras Cleve
Nitzschia seriata Chilka Lake Cleve
Rhizosolenia setigera Chennai Brightwell
Rhizosolenia setigera Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Rhizosolenia setigera Western Bay of Bengal
Rhizosolenia setigera Bay of Bengal Btw
Rhizosolenia setigera Chilka Lake Brightwell
Rhizosolenia shrubsolei Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia sicula migrans Bay of Bengal Hasle
Nitzschia sicula Bay of Bengal Hust
Nitzschia sigma var. iondica Chennai Karsten
Nitzschia sigma Central Bay of Bengal
