Genus: Actinocyclus

Item count: 17
Species Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
actinochilus Bay of Bengal Simonsen
cholnokyi Bay of Bengal Van Land
confluens Bay of Bengal Brunn
ehrenbergii Chennai Ralfs
ellipticus Bay of Bengal Grun
ingens Bay of Bengal Ratt
kuetzingii Bay of Bengal Simonsen
octonarius Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
octonarius Western Bay of Bengal
octonarius crussus Bay of Bengal Hendy
octonarius octonarius Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
octonarius ralfsii Bay of Bengal Hendey
octonarius sparsus Bay of Bengal Hendey
octonarius tennellus Bay of Bengal Hendey
radiatus Bay of Bengal Ratt
subtilis Bay of Bengal Ralfs
tenuissimus Bay of Bengal Cleve