Genus: Amphora

Item count: 37
Species Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
arenaria Bay of Bengal Donkin
bigibba Bay of Bengal Grun
caffaeoformis Madras Agardh
capensis Bay of Bengal A.S
coffaeformis Parangipettai, Vellar, Chennai, Coleroon Estuary Mayer
coffeaeformis Bay of Bengal Kuetz
coffeaeformis Madras Coast
coffeaeformis acutiuscula Bay of Bengal Hust
costata Bay of Bengal Wm. Smith
crassa Bay of Bengal Greg
decussata Bay of Bengal Grun
decussata Chennai GrÜnow
dubia Bay of Bengal Greg
egregia Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
gigantia Bay of Bengal, Waltair
janischii Bay of Bengal A.S
laevis Bay of Bengal Greg
levis Bay of Bengal Greg
lineolata Chennai Ehrenberg
lineolata Visakhapatnam Harbour
macilenta Bay of Bengal Greg
marina Bay of Bengal Castr
obtusa Bay of Bengal Greg
ostrearia Bay of Bengal Bréb
ostrearia Chennai Brébisson
ostrearia vitrea Bay of Bengal Cleve
ovalis Bay of Bengal Kuetz
ovalis Vellar Estuary
ovum Bay of Bengal Cl
proteus Bay of Bengal Greg
proteus oculata Bay of Bengal Perag
spcetabilis Bay of Bengal Greg
spectabilis Bay of Bengal Greg
terroris Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
thaitiana Bay of Bengal Castr
turgida Bay of Bengal Greg
ventricosa Central Bay of Bengal