Class: Bacillariophyceae

Item count: 1063
Genus Speciessort descending Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Chaetoceros holsticus Chennai SchÜtt, 1895
Campylodiscus horologicum Chilka Lake Williams
Navicula humerosa Bay of Bengal Bréb
Navicula humerosa constricta Bay of Bengal Cl
Gamphonema humulifera Bay of Bengal Grun
Bacteriastrum hyalinum Chennai Lauder
Bacteriastrum hyalinum var.princeps Chennai Ikari
Bacteriastrum hyalinum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Bacteriastrum hyalinum Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Bacteriastrum hyalinum Vellar Estuary
Bacteriastrum hyalinum principes Bay of Bengal Ikari
Bacteriastrum hyalinum Chilka Lake
Corethron hystrix Chennai Hensen
Corethron hystrix Chilka Lake Hensen
Rhizosolenia imbricata Chennai Brightwell
Rhizosolenia imbricata Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Rhizosolenia imbricata Central Bay of Bengal
Rhizosolenia imbricata Bay of Bengal Btw
Streptotheca indica Chennai Shrubsole
Streptotheca indica Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Navicula indica Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros indicus Chennai Subrahmanyan, 946
Chaetoceros indicus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Actinocyclus ingens Bay of Bengal Ratt
Coscinodiscus insignis Central Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia insignis Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia interrupstriata Central Bay of Bengal
Diploneis interrupta Bay of Bengal Cl
Pinnularia interrupta Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Nitzschia interruptestriata Bay of Bengal Simonsen
Perissonoë interruptum Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Synedra investiens Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Campylodiscus iyengarii Chennai Subrahmnyan, 1946
Campylodiscus iyengarii Chennai Subrahmnyan, 1947
Campylodiscus iyengarii Bay of Bengal Subrahmanyan
Coscinodiscus janischii Chennai A. Schmidt
Amphora janischii Bay of Bengal A.S
Coscinodiscus janischii arufurensis Bay of Bengal Grun
Asterionella japonica Chennai Cleve
Asterionella japonica Madras Coast
Asterionella japonica Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Asterionella japonica Krishna Estuary
Asterionella japonica Godavari Estuary
Asterionella japonica Vellar Estuary
Asterionella japonica Visakhapatnam Harbour
Asterionella japonica Madras Cleve
Asterionella japonica Chilka Lake Cleve
Achnanthes javanica Bay of Bengal Grun
Coscinodiscus jonesianus Chennai Ostenfeld
Coscinodiscus jonesianus var commutata Chennai Ostenfeld
Coscinodiscus jonesianus Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus jonesianus Vellar Estuary
Coscinodiscus jonesianus Bay of Bengal Ostenf
Coscinodiscus jonesianus commutatus Bay of Bengal Hust
Grammatophora kerguelensis Central Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia kerguelensis Bay of Bengal Hasle
Coscinodiscus kolbei Bay of Bengal Jouse
Cyclotella kuetzingiana Bay of Bengal Thy
Actinocyclus kuetzingii Bay of Bengal Simonsen
Coscinodiscus kurzii Bay of Bengal Grun
Achnanthes kuwaitensis Bay of Bengal Hendey
Mastogloia labuensis Bay of Bengal Cl
Amphora laevis Bay of Bengal Greg
Pleurosira laevis Bay of Bengal Compère
Eunotogramma laevis Bay of Bengal Grun
Pleurosigma laevis Bay of Bengal Compère
Nitzschia lanceola Bay of Bengal Grun
Nitzschia lanceolata Bay of Bengal Grun
Chaetoceros lasciniosum Krishna Estuary
Chaetoceros lasciniosum Godavari Estuary
Chaetoceros lascinosus Chennai SchÜtt, 1895
Chaetoceros lascinosus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros lascinosus Chilka Lake Schutt
Campylodiscus latus Bay of Bengal Shadb
Chaetoceros lauderi Chennai Ralfs
Chaetoceros lauderi Central Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros lauderi Krishna Estuary
Chaetoceros lauderi Godavari Estuary
Tropidoneis lepidoptera Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Plagiotropis lepidoptera Central Bay of Bengal
Plagiotropis lepidoptera Bay of Bengal Kuntze
Thalassiosira leptopus Bay of Bengal Hasle
Mastogloia leudegeri Bay of Bengal Cl
Amphora levis Bay of Bengal Greg
Coscinodiscus lewisianus Central Bay of Bengal
Caloneis liber Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Mastogloia lineata Bay of Bengal Cl.& Grove
Thalassiosira lineate Western Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus lineatus Chennai Ehrenberg
Coscinodiscus lineatus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Coscinodiscus lineatus Western Bay of Bengal
Amphora lineolata Chennai Ehrenberg
Amphora lineolata Visakhapatnam Harbour
Cocconeis littoralis Chennai Subrahmanyan., 1946
Cocconeis littoralis Bay of Bengal Subrahmanyan
Diploneis littoralis Bay of Bengal Cl
Denticulopsis lkauta Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Navicula longa Chennai Ralfs
Navicula longa Krishna Estuary
Navicula longa Godavari Estuary
