Class: Bacillariophyceae

Item count: 1063
Genus Speciessort descending Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Amphora decussata Bay of Bengal Grun
Mastogloia decussata Bay of Bengal Grun
Plagiogramma decussatum Bay of Bengal Grev
Nitzschia delicatissima Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Scroderella delicatula Chennai Pavillard
Striatella delicatula Chennai GrÜnow
Schroderella delicatula Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Striatella delicatula Western Bay of Bengal
Pleaurosigma delicatula Godavari Estuary
Achnanthes delicatula Bay of Bengal Grun
Striatella delicatula Bay of Bengal Grun
Rhizosolenia delicatula Chilka Lake Cleve
Bacteriastrum delicatulum Chennai Cleve
Bacteriastrum delicatulum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Bacteriastrum delicatulum Central Bay of Bengal
Bacteriastrum delicatulum Vellar Estuary
Bacteriastrum delicatulum Bay of Bengal Cl
Chaetoceros denticulatum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros denticulatum Porto Novo Lauder
Chaetoceros denticulatus Bay of Bengal Lauder
Chaetoceros dentioculatum Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros diadema Bay of Bengal Gran
Chaetoceros didymud Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros didymum anglica Bay of Bengal Gran
Chaetoceros didymus Chennai Ehrenberg
Chaetoceros didymus var. protuberans Chennai Gran et Gendo
Chaetoceros didymus var. heterosetoides Chennai Subrahmanyan, 946
Chaetoceros didymus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros didymus Central Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros didymus Madras Gran
Chaetoceros difficilis Central Bay of Bengal
Navicula directa Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia directum malabaricum Madras Subra
Pleurosigma directum Bay of Bengal Grun
Cocconeis dirupta Bay of Bengal Greg
Rhaphoneis discoides Chennai Subrahmanyan, 1946
Chaetoceros distans Central Bay of Bengal
Navicula distans Central Bay of Bengal
Cocconeis distans Bay of Bengal Greg
Navicula distans Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Pleurosigma diversistriatum Bay of Bengal Meister
Chaetoceros diversus Chennai Cleve
Chaetoceros diversus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros diversus Western Bay of Bengal, Central Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros diversus Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros diversus Madras Ehrenb
Chaetoceros diversus Bay of Bengal Cl
Chaetoceros diversus Chilka Lake Cleve
Pseudoeunotia doliolus Bay of Bengal Grun
Mastogloia dolosa Bay of Bengal Venkataraman
Amphora dubia Bay of Bengal Greg
Triceratium dubium Chennai Brightwell
Triceratium dubium Bay of Bengal Btw
Thalassiosira eccentrica Central Bay of Bengal
Thalassiosira eccentrica Bay of Bengal Cl
Coscinodiscus eccentricus Vellar Estuary
Amphora egregia Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Actinocyclus ehrenbergii Chennai Ralfs
Chaetoceros eibenii Chennai GrÜnow
Chaetoceros eibenii Bay of Bengal Grun
Bacteriastrum elegans Chennai Pavillard
Asteromphalus elegans Bay of Bengal Grev
Surirella elegans Chilka Lake Ehreenberg
Actinocyclus ellipticus Bay of Bengal Grun
Climacosphenia elongata Chennai Bailey
Caloneis elongata Bay of Bengal Boyer
Climacosphenia elongata Bay of Bengal Bail
Azpeitia elongatula Bay of Bengal Sims in Fryxell et al
Pleurosiogma elongatum Chennai W. Smith
Pleurosigma elongatum Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary W. Smith
Pleurosigma elongatum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Pleurosigma elongatum Hoogly Estuary
Pleurosigma elongatum Vellar Estuary
Pleurosigma elongatum Visakhapatnam Harbour
Pleurosigma elongatum Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Pleurosigma elongatum Chilka Lake W. Smith
Isthmia enervis Chennai Ehrenberg
Isthmia enervis Bay of Bengal Cl
Mastogloia entoleia Bay of Bengal Cl
Pleurosigma estuarii Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros eubenii Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Diploneis eudoxia Bay of Bengal Jorg
Thalassiosira excentrica Bay of Bengal Cl
Coscinodiscus excentricus Chennai Ehrenberg
Coscinodiscus excentricus fasciculata Chennai Hustedt, 1930
Thalassiosira excentricus Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Cleve
Coscinodiscus excentricus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Coscinodiscus excentricus Hoogly Estuary
Coscinodiscus excentricus Visakhapatnam Harbour
Mastogloia exigua Chilka Lake
Mastopgloia exilis Chennai Hustedt
Surirella eximia Chennai Greville
Nitzschia fasciculata Western Bay of Bengal
Surirella fastuosa Western Bay of Bengal, Central Bay of Bengal
Surirella fatuosa Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Triceratium favus Chennai Ehrenberg
Triceratium favus Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Ehrenberg
Triceratium favus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Triceratium favus Vellar Estuary
Triceratium favus Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
