Class: Bacillariophyceae

Item count: 1063
Genus Species Variety Occurrence Authoritysort descending References Contributors
Cyclotella striata Chennai Grunow, 880?
Rhizosolenia stolterfothii Chennai H. Peragallo
Rhopalodia operculata Bay of Bengal Hak
Thalassionema frauenfeldii Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Hallegraeff
Cocconeis heteroidea Bay of Bengal Hantz
Cocconeis pellucida Bay of Bengal Hantz
Nitzschia tryblionella Bay of Bengal Hantz
Nitzschia formosa Madras Hantzsch
Chaetoceros Bay of Bengal Hasle
Thalassiosira leptopus Bay of Bengal Hasle
Nitzschia kerguelensis Bay of Bengal Hasle
Nitzschia sicula migrans Bay of Bengal Hasle
Stauroneis oblongella Bay of Bengal Heiden & Kolbe
Bacillaria paxillifera Parangipettai, Vellar Hendey
Achnanthes kuwaitensis Bay of Bengal Hendey
Actinocyclus octonarius ralfsii Bay of Bengal Hendey
Actinocyclus octonarius tennellus Bay of Bengal Hendey
Actinocyclus octonarius sparsus Bay of Bengal Hendey
Bacillaria pixillifer Bay of Bengal Hendey
Cocconeis weissflogii Bay of Bengal Hendey
Cymatodiscus planetophorus Bay of Bengal Hendey
Amphiprora angustata Bay of Bengal Hendey
Actinocyclus octonarius crussus Bay of Bengal Hendy
Caloneis westii Bay of Bengal Hendy
Tryblioptychus cocconeiformis Bay of Bengal Hendy
Corethron hystrix Chennai Hensen
Corethron hystrix Chilka Lake Hensen
Amphora coffeaeformis acutiuscula Bay of Bengal Hust
Chaetoceros lorenzianus littoralis Bay of Bengal Hust
Coscinodiscus jonesianus commutatus Bay of Bengal Hust
Mastogloia gracilis Bay of Bengal Hust
Mastogloia rostrata Bay of Bengal Hust
Navicula clavata elongata Bay of Bengal Hust
Nitzschia sicula Bay of Bengal Hust
Pinnularia braunii amphicephala Bay of Bengal Hust
Synedrosphenia gomphonema Bay of Bengal Hust
Triceratium pentacrinus quadrata Bay of Bengal Hust
Triceratium favus quadrata Bay of Bengal Hust
Achnanthes stromii Chennai Hustedt
Chaetoceros peruvianus forma robusta Chennai Hustedt
Coscinodiscus perforatus Chennai Hustedt
Mastopgloia exilis Chennai Hustedt
Rhizosolenia alata forma inermis Chennai Hustedt
Coscinodiscus excentricus fasciculata Chennai Hustedt, 1930
Coscinodiscus gigas var praetexta Chennai Hustedt, 1930
Bacteriastrum hyalinum var.princeps Chennai Ikari
Bacteriastrum hyalinum principes Bay of Bengal Ikari
Biddulphia weissflogii Bay of Bengal Jan
Coscinodiscus suspectus Bay of Bengal Jan
Diploneis eudoxia Bay of Bengal Jorg
Thalassiosira decipiens Chennai Jőrgensen, 1899
Coscinodiscus kolbei Bay of Bengal Jouse
Nitzschia sigma var. iondica Chennai Karsten
Chaetoceros bacteriastroides Bay of Bengal Karsten
Nitzschia sigma indica Bay of Bengal Karsten
Chaetoceros pendulus Chilka Lake Karsten
Cymbella cistula Bay of Bengal Kirchhner
Achnanthes brevipes inflata Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Amphora ovalis Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Amphora coffeaeformis Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Epithemia turgida Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Gamphonema marina Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Melosira sol Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Navicula cuspidata Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Navicula pregrina Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Synedra tabulata Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Pinnularia acrosphaeria Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Podocystis adriatica Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Rhabdonema adriaticum Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Synedra crystallina Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Surirella gemma Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Plagiotropis lepidoptera Bay of Bengal Kuntze
Cyclotella meneghiniana Madras Kutz
Melosira sulcata Madras Kutz
Cyclotella meneghiniana Chennai KÜtzing, 849
Melosira sulcata Chennai KÜtzing, 849
Podosira montagnei Chennai KÜtzing, 849
Pseudoauliscus petitti Bay of Bengal L.F
Pseudoauliscus nebulosa Bay of Bengal L.F
Cerataulus petitii Bay of Bengal L.F
Bacteriastrum hyalinum Chennai Lauder
Bacteriastrum varians Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros coarctatus Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros dentioculatum Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros compressus Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros affinis Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros socialis Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros affinis Parangipettai, Vellar Lauder
Chaetoceros denticulatum Porto Novo Lauder
Chaetoceros affinis Bay of Bengal Lauder
Chaetoceros compressus Bay of Bengal Lauder
Chaetoceros denticulatus Bay of Bengal Lauder
Chaetoceros coarctatus Bay of Bengal Lauder
Chaetoceros affinis Chilka Lake Lauder
Mastogloia angulata Bay of Bengal Lewis
Chaetoceros glandazi Porto Novo Mangin
Hedidiscus hardmanianus Chennai Mann
Achnanthes brevipes compacta Bay of Bengal Mann
Podosira stelligera Bay of Bengal Mann
Mastogloia achnanthioides Bay of Bengal Mann
