Compendium of Biota - The Tree of Life

The Compendium of biota of the Bay of Bengal is classified with the taxonomic system of Cavalier-Smith (1998, 2004). Each table page of the Compendium represents a taxon node in the tree of life. A page includes the single path of nodes to the root of the classification, and a table of child nodes. All taxon nodes are links to their respective pages. Click on lower ranking taxa to extend the table towards the bottom of the tree. The tree bottom contains additional information particular to species, such as authority, references and contributors.

Table colums can be sorted alphabetically up or down by clicking on column headers.

Item count: 6358
Superkingdom Kingdom Phylum Class Genus Species Occurrence References Contributors
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Navicula longa Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Rhizosolenia alata Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Coscinodiscus centralia Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia palea Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Thalassionema nitzschioides Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Pleurosigma elongatum Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Amphiprora gigantea Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Amphora lineolata Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Bacillaria paradoxa Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Bacteriastrum varians Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros affinis Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros curvisetus Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Coscinodiscus excentricus Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Diploneis weissflogii Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Ditylum brightwelli Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Gyrosigma balticum Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Lauderia annulata Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Leptocylindrus danicus Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Melosira moniliformis Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia closterium Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia grunowii Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Planktoniella sol Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Rhizosolenia stolterfothii Visakhapatnam Harbour
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Ceratulina Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Climacosphenia Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Rhizosolenia Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Coscinodiscus Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Biddulphia heteroceros Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Rhizosolenia Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Stephanodiscus Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Triceratium Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Nitzschia closterium Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Navicula Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Pleurosigma affinis Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Synedra affinis Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Mastogloia exigua Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Pleurosigma Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Coscinodiscus Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Planktoniella Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Chaetoceros Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Grammatophora Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Ditylum brightwelli Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Leptocylindrus Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Heterokontophyta Bacillariophyceae Bacteriastrum hyalinum Chilka Lake
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium tripos South-east Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Amphisolenia bidentata Central Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium furca Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium trichoceros Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Oxytoxum Western Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Prorocentrum micans Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Pseudoceratium punctatum Western Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Pyrocystis lunula Central Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium trichoceros Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium contortum Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium macroceros Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium furca Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium fusus Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium conicum Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium tuba Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium granii Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium nipponicum Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ornithocercus thurii Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ornithocercus magnificus Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Oxytoxum scolopex Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Prorocentrum compressa Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Podolampus elegans Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Podolampus spinifera Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Podolampus bipes Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Dinophysis urocantha Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium thorianum Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium brevipes Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium furca Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium hirudinella Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium longirostrum Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium falcatum Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium teres Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium bucephalum Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Citharistes apsteini Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Dinophysis urocantha Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium elegans Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Peridinium murrayi Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium dens Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium reticulatum Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium hexacanthum Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium horridum Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium pentagonum Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium teres Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium candelabrum Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Triposolenia spinulosa Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Amphisolenia quadricaudata Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Pyrocystis fusiformis Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Pyrocystis lunula Bay of Bengal
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium furca Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium tripos Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium fusus Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium inflatum Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium trichoceros Bangaladesh Coast
Eukaryota Chromista Dinoflagellata Ceratium ponectum Bangaladesh Coast
