Class: Bacillariophyceae

Item count: 1063
Genus Species Occurrence Authority References Contributorssort descending
Rhizosolenia styliformis Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Rhizosolenia Western Bay of Bengal
Skeletonema costatum Western Bay of Bengal
Treptotheca thamensis Central Bay of Bengal
Striatella delicatula Western Bay of Bengal
Surirella anceps Western Bay of Bengal
Surirella cruciata Western Bay of Bengal
Surirella fastuosa Western Bay of Bengal, Central Bay of Bengal
Thalassiosira anguste-lineata Central Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia macilenta Central Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia marina Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia paradoxa Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia pelagica Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia sigma Central Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia socialis Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia reinholdtii Central Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia ventricosa Central Bay of Bengal
Nitzschia Western Bay of Bengal, Central Bay of Bengal
Synedra affinis Western Bay of Bengal
Thalassionema oestrupii Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Thalassionema nitzschioides Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Thalassiothrix longissima Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus excentricus Hoogly Estuary
Coscinodiscus radiatus Hoogly Estuary
Rhizosolenia alata Hoogly Estuary
Biddulphia sinensis Hoogly Estuary
Ditylum brightwelli Hoogly Estuary
Pleurosigma elongatum Hoogly Estuary
Chaetoceros glandazi Porto Novo Mangin
Rhizosolenia cochlea Porto Novo Braun
Chaetoceros denticulatum Porto Novo Lauder
Chaetoceros subtile Porto Novo Cleve
Bacteriastrum varians Porto Novo
Nitzschia frigida Porto Novo Grunow
Nitzschia seriata Krishna Estuary
Nitzschia longissima Krishna Estuary
Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii Krishna Estuary
Thalassinema nitzschoides Krishna Estuary
Skeletonema costatum Krishna Estuary
Thalassiothrix longissima Krishna Estuary
Cyclotella meneghiniana Krishna Estuary
Chaetoceros lauderi Krishna Estuary
Navicula longa Krishna Estuary
Chaetoceros lasciniosum Krishna Estuary
Coscinodiscus marginatus Krishna Estuary
Coscinodiscus centralis Krishna Estuary
Asterionella japonica Krishna Estuary
Chaetoceros Krishna Estuary
Chaetoceros gracile Krishna Estuary
Nitzschia seriata Godavari Estuary
Nitzschia longissima Godavari Estuary
Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii Godavari Estuary
Thalassinema nitzschoides Godavari Estuary
Skeletonema costatum Godavari Estuary
Thalassiothrix longissima Godavari Estuary
Cyclotella meneghiniana Godavari Estuary
Chaetoceros lauderi Godavari Estuary
Navicula longa Godavari Estuary
Chaetoceros lasciniosum Godavari Estuary
Coscinodiscus marginatus Godavari Estuary
Coscinodiscus centralis Godavari Estuary
Asterionella japonica Godavari Estuary
Chaetoceros Godavari Estuary
Chaetoceros gracile Godavari Estuary
Synedra Godavari Estuary
Pleaurosigma aestuarii Godavari Estuary
Bacillaria paradoxa Godavari Estuary
Ditylum brightwelli Godavari Estuary
Chaetoceros lorenzianum Godavari Estuary
Pleaurosigma delicatula Godavari Estuary
Rhizosolenia alata Godavari Estuary
Asterionella japonica Vellar Estuary
Amphiprora gigantea Vellar Estuary
Achnanthes brevipes Vellar Estuary
Amphora ovalis Vellar Estuary
Bacillaria paradoxa Vellar Estuary
Bacteriastrum cosmosum Vellar Estuary
Bacteriastrum delicatulum Vellar Estuary
Bacteriastrum hyalinum Vellar Estuary
Bellorochea malleus Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros affinis Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros didymud Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros diversus Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros peruvianus Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros lorenzianus Vellar Estuary
Coscinodiscus centralis Vellar Estuary
Coscinodiscus eccentricus Vellar Estuary
Coscinodiscus gigas Vellar Estuary
Coscinodiscus jonesianus Vellar Estuary
Coscinodiscus radiatus Vellar Estuary
Cyclotella stelligera Vellar Estuary
Cyclotella meneghiniana Vellar Estuary
Ditylum brightwellii Vellar Estuary
Ditylum sol Vellar Estuary
Eucampia zoodiacus Vellar Estuary
Fragilaria oceanica Vellar Estuary
Gyrosigma balticum Vellar Estuary
Hemidiscus hardmannianus Vellar Estuary
Lauderia annulata Vellar Estuary
