
Item count: 6261
Speciessort descending Subspecies Host species Occurrence Authority References Contributors
mystax (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)
n/a Marine fish Andamans Crowcroft, 1947
n/a Carangoides malabaricus Puri Gupta & Singh, 1985
n/a Chirocentrus dorab Puri Gupta & Ahmad, 1978
nadiensis Orissa (Chilka Lake) (Preston, 1915)
nagatyi Thunnus tonggol,, Katsuwonus pelamis Visakhapatnam Manter, 1940
naiki Tamil Nadu Valdes et al., 1999
nairi Tamil Nadu R.D. Turner &
nakayamai Andaman Islandsx x Habe
namatalosae Nematalosa nasus (Bloch, 1795) Chilka Lake, Puri, Orissa Tripathi, 1957
nana Orissa down to Chennai Alcock, 1905
nana Andamans and Nicobars Hartlaub, 1890
nana nana West Bengal (Kolkata) B. Prashad, 1921
nana Andaman Islands x L.H. Reeve, 1844
nanus Steiner, 1916
nanus Tamil Nadu (Gulf of Mannar), Andhra Pradesh, (Visakhapatnam) (W. Dunker, 1857)
narimeen Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) Mandapam, Tamil Nadu Unnithan, 1964
narinari (Euphrasen, 1790)
nasika Andaman & Nicobar Islands B. Prashad & H.S. Rao, 1934
nassa Andaman Islands Gmelin, 1791
nassatula Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Lamarck, 1822)
Nassula citrea Kahl, 1933
Nassula notata. Buddbr, 1911
nasutus Andaman & Nicobar Islands R.A. Philippi, 1846
natator natator Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal (Roeding, 1791)
nathensis Tuticorin Meenakshi, 1997
naucrates Linnaeus, 1758
naucum Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
navicularis Tamil Nadu (Tuticorin coast) J.B. Bruguiere, 1789
naviculaus Central Bay of Bengal
nayadiformis (Delile) Papen., 1998, 1985, 2004
nebulosa Andaman Islands (G.B. Sowerby I, 1825)
nebulosa McClelland, 1844
nebulosa Bay of Bengal L.F
nebulosa ? Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1811)
nebulosus (Forsskål, 1775)
neglectus Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
nehereus (Hamilton, 1822)
nekozita Gulf of Mannar Tokioka, 1967
nelliae Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa (E.A. Smith, 1877)
nematoides Panceri, 1876
nematoides Allgen, 1946
nengi Arius nenga,(Hamilton, 1822); A. arius( Hamilton, 1822) Chilka Lake, Orissa Tripathi, 1957
neocrenulata Bay of Bengal Fryxell & Watkins
neocrenulata Bay of Bengal Van Land
neoorientalis Abudefduf bengalensis Puri Ahmad, 1980
nepa Tuticorin, Mandapam, Rameswaram, Kilakarai, Parangipettai, Cuddalore, , Chennai, Puducherry, Visakhapatnam, , Mahanadi estuary, Puri, Sandheads, , Sundarbans (Latreille, 1828)
neptunus Bay of Bengal (Bate, 1881)
nereidina Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar J.B.P.A. Lamarck de, 1816
nereidina Andamans J.B.P.A. Lamarck de, 1816
nereidina Nicobrs J.B.P.A. Lamarck de, 1816
nereis off Coromandel Coast E.A. Smith, 1906
neritoideum neritoideum Tamil Nadu, Orissa (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
nervatus Bay of Bengal Grun
nervosa Bay of Bengal, Waltair
nexa Ervadi Sluiter, 1904
nhatrangensis Dawson , 1970
nibe (Jordan & Thompson, 1911)
nicobarica Nicobars A.H. Clark, 1929
nicobarica West bengal (off Ganges delta), Nicobars (J.B. Bruguiere, 1814)
nicobarica Tamil Nadu (Gulf of Mannar), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (J.F. Gmelin, 1791)
nicobarica ?Nicobars (J.F. Gmelin, 1791)
nicobarica nicobarica Nicobars (Thiele, 1925)
nicobarica Nicobars Thiele, 1925
nicobarica Bay of Bengal Grun
nicobarica Bay of Bengal Desikachary, Prasad & Prem, 1987
nicobaricum Nicobars L. Döderlein, 1901
nicobaricum Nicobar Islands (Dunker, 1866)
nicobaricum Bay of Bengal Grun
nicobaricus Andhra Pradesh (Kottapatnam near Ongole), Orissa K.F.A. von Schreibers
nicobaricus Andamans Gmelin, 1791
nicobaricus nicobaricus Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Roeding, 17981)
nicobaricus Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
nierstrazi North Andaman Adam, 1938
nigellus Andaman Islands L.H. Reeve, 1854
niger niger Andaman & Nicobar Islands Quoy & Gaimard, 1834
niger (Bloch, 1795)
niger (Rüppell, 1836)
nigra Andamans P.H. Carpenter, 1876
nigra Tamil Nadu (Chennai harbour), Andamans (A.A. Gould, 1851)
nigra Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands (Stimpson, 1855)
nigra Tuticorin Savigny, 1816
nigricans Tuticorin Monniot, F., 1994
nigrostriata Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands (Eliot, 1904)
nigroviridis Visakhapatnam Harbour
niloticus Andaman & Nicobar Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
nimia Marine fishes Bay of Bengal Linton, 1910
nipponicum Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
nitescens Bay of Bengal Cl
nitida Sond., 2000
nitida Andamans R. Koehler, 1910
nitida Bay of Bengal Grun
nitidum Andaman Islands (Hinds, 1843)
nitidus R. Koehler, 1927 R. Koehler, 1927
nitidus Bay of Bengal Round & Mann
nitzschioides Chennai GrÜnow
nitzschioides Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Meresch
nitzschioides Madras Coast
nitzschioides Bay of Bengal, Waltair
nitzschioides Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
