Phylum: Dinoflagellata

Item count: 231
Genus Speciessort descending Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Oxytoxum Western Bay of Bengal
Peridinium Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Phalacroma Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Gymnodinium Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Peridinium Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Gonyaulax Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Pyrocystis Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Trachelomonas Visakhapatnam
Protoperidinium Visakhapatnam
Chlorogonium Visakhapatnam
Cochlodinium Visakhapatnam
Gymnodinium Visakhapatnam
Spumella Visakhapatnam
Dunaliella Visakhapatnam
Tetraselmis Visakhapatnam
Euglena Visakhapatnam
Eutreptia Visakhapatnam
Sphaeromonas Visakhapatnam
Chromulina Visakhapatnam
Dinopohysis accuminata Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Peridinium amplum Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Matzenauer, 1933
Citharistes apsteini Bay of Bengal
Citharistes apsteini Schutt Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Ceratium azoricum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Ceratium belone Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Cleve, 1900
Amphisolenia bidentata Central Bay of Bengal
Amphisolenia bidentata Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Amphisolenia bidentata Vellar Estuary
Ceratium bigelowii Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Kofoid, 1907
Podolampus bipes Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Podolampus bipes Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Ceratium breve Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Schrőder, 1906
Ceratium breve Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Ceratium breve Vellar Estuary
Gymnodinium breve Vellar Estuary
Peridinium breve Visakhapatnam Harbour
Peridinium brevipes Bangaladesh Coast
Peridinium brevipes Chilka Lake
Peridinium brochii Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Kofoid and Swezy, 1921
Ceratium bucephalum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Cleve, 1901
Ceratium bucephalum Bangaladesh Coast
Ceratium buceros Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Ceratium candelabrum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Stein, 1883
Ceratium candelabrum Bay of Bengal
Ceratium candelabrum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Ceratium carriense Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Gourret, 1884
Ceratium carriense var volans Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Dinophysis caudata Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Dinophysis caudata Vellar Estuary
Dinophysis caudata Chilka Lake Kent
Peridinium cerasus Visakhapatnam Harbour
Prorocentrum compressa Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Peridinium conicoides Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Paulsen, 1905
Peridinium conicum Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Peridinium conicum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Protoperidinium conicum Vellar Estuary
Ceratium contortum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Cleve, 1901
Ceratium contortum Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Dictyocha cruz Central Bay of Bengal
Ceratium deflexum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Jőrgensen, 1911
Ceratium dens Bay of Bengal
Ceratium dens Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Peridinium depressum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Protoperidinium depressum Vellar Estuary
Peridinium diabolus Chilka Lake Cleve
Gonyaulax digensis Vellar Estuary
Ceratium digitatum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay SchÜtt, 895
Peridinium divergens Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Ehrenberg, 1840
Peridinium divergens Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Peridinium elegans Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Cleve, 1900
Podolampus elegans Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Peridinium elegans Bay of Bengal
Peridinium elegans Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Peridinium excentricum Vellar Estuary
Ceratium extensum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Cleve, 1901
Ceratium extensum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Ceratium falcatum Bangaladesh Coast
Ceratium furca Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay, Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Claparède et Lachmann, 859
Ceratium furca Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay, Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Claparède et Lachmann, 859
Ceratium furca Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Ceratium furca Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Ceratium furca Bangaladesh Coast
Ceratium furca Bangaladesh Coast
Ceratium furca Bay of Bengal, Waltair
ceratium furca Godavari Estuary
Ceratium furca Vellar Estuary
Ceratium furca Chilka Lake Ehrenberg
Ceratium furca Visakhapatnam Harbour
Pyrocystis fusiformis Bay of Bengal
Pyrocystis fusiformis Vellar Estuary
Ceratium fusus Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Du Jardin, 1841
Ceratium fusus Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Ceratium fusus Bangaladesh Coast
Ceratium fusus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
ceratium fusus Godavari Estuary
Ceratium fusus Vellar Estuary
Ceratium fusus Chilka Lake Ehrenberg
Ceratium geniculatum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Cleve, 1901
Ceratium gibberum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Gourret, 1883
