
Item count: 6261
Species Subspecies Variety Host species Occurrence Authority References Contributors
hedleyi Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (M. Schepman, 1919)
Helicostomella fusiformis Jorgensen, 1924
Helicostomella longa Brandt, 1906
helleri Gulf of Mannar Herdman, 1882
hemicardium Off Andamans (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
hemiramphi Dermogenys, brachinopterus Puri Gupta & Tandon, 1983
hemirhamphae Rhynochohamphus georgii (Valenciennes, 1847) Puri, Orissa Tripathi, 1957
hemirhamphi Rhynochohamphus georgii (Valenciennes, 1847) Puri, Orissa Tripathi, 1959
hemprichi Andhra Pradesh: Narsapur J. Müller and F.H. Troschel, 1842
hemprichi Nicobars J. Müller and F.H. Troschel, 1842
hemprichi Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar J. Müller and F.H. Troschel, 1842
hennedyana Bay of Bengal Greg
hennedyii Chennai W. Smith
hennedyii var.nebulosa Chennai Cleve
henrici Orissa (Eliot, 1916)
heptactis Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
heptactis Bay of Bengal, Waltair
heptadactyla Cuvier, 1829
herdmani Orissa: Ganjam Coast A.H. Clark, 1909
herdmani Tamil Nadu (Gulf of Mannar) Hoyle, 1904
heros Andhra Pradesh: Off Godavary Delta T. Lyman, 1879
hesperus Andamans J. Müller and F.H. Troschel, 1840
hesperus Andhra Pradesh: Visakhapatnam; Orissa: Ganjam Coast J. Müller and F.H. Troschel, 1840
hesperus Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar J. Müller and F.H. Troschel, 1840
hessii Sandheads to Gulf of Mannar (Miers, 1884)
heteraptera Scomberoides tol (Cuvier) Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh Unnithan, 1961
heteroceros Bay of Bengal Grun
heteroceros Bay of Bengal, Waltair
heteroceros Chennai GrÜnow
heteroceros Chilka Lake
heteroceros Vellar Estuary
heterodontus Shulz, 1932
heteroglypica Chennai (Kemp, 1911)
heteroidea Bay of Bengal Hantz
heteromorpha Kuetz., 1999, 2000
heteroplatos (Boerg.) Umamaheswar & Kalia., 1980
heteroptera Tamil Nadu (Gulf of Mannar), Orissa (off Gopalpur), Andamans (J.B.P. de M. Lamarck, 1819)
heterovitellatum Himantura imbricata Visakhapatnam Madhavi & Rao, 1970
hexacanthum Bay of Bengal
hexacanthum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Gourret, 1883
hexacanthum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
hexacanthus Indo Pecific (Bleeker, 1855)
hexapilus Wieser and Hopper, 1967
hextii Sandhead down Gulf of Mannar Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
hians Off Ganjam coast (Henderson, 1888)
hians Orissa Coast Lightfoot in Solander, 1786
hiantina Andhra Pradesh (Kakinada, Vlsakhapatnam), Andamans (J.B.P.M. Lamarck, 1818)
hikuerensis Andaman Islands (Pruvot-Fol, 1954)
hilarula De Man, 1922
hilarula Visakhapatnam down to Gulf of Mannar (De Man, 1911)
hiltonianus Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
hindustanica Tuticorin & Chennai Manning, 1978
hintuanensis Andaman Islands Gosliner & Behrens, 1998
hippopus Nicobars (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
hippurus Linnaeus, 1758
hirastricta Lutjanus lunulatus Visakhapatnam Manter, 1963
hircus Bangaladesh Coast
hirsuta Andamans R. Koehler, 1910
hirsuta Orissa: Off Puri J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
hirsuta Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
hirsutum Vitiello, 1967
hirsutus Bastain, 1865
hirsutus Bay of Bengal, 90 34’ N 850 43’ 15” E, 3652 m W.P. Sladen, 1882
hirtimanus Andamans (Miers, 1880)
hirudinella Bangaladesh Coast
hirundinella Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Berg, 882
hirundinina Andaman Islands (Quoy & Gaimard, 1836)
hispidus (Linnaeus, 1758)
histrio Tamil Nadu (Gulf of Mannar), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (J.F. Gmelin, 1791)
Holophrya marina Mansfeld, 1923
Holophrya nairi Das, 1995
Holophrya nigricans Lauterborn, 1908
Holophrya simplex Schewiakoff, 1893
holoschista Cape Comorin, Ramaeswaram, Parangipettai, Cuddalaore, , Chennai, Mahanadi estuary, , Sandheads (Kemp, 1911)
Holosticha manca Khal, 1933
Holosticha warreni Song and Wilbert, 1997
holsticus Chennai SchÜtt, 1895
homarus homarus Visakhapatnam to Cape Comorin & Nicobars (Linnaeus, 1758)
honkongensis Tamil Nadu (Gulf of Mannar), Andamans Hoyle, 1885
honoluliensis Brady, 1868
horologia Andaman Islands Rudman, 1984
horologicum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
horologicum Chilka Lake Williams
horrida Bay of Bengal, Waltair
horridum Bay of Bengal
horridum Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Gran, 1902
horridum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
horridus Andamans Ferrussac, 1826
horridus Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh R.A. Philippi, 1846
hoylei Andamans Goodrich, 1896
hoylei Tamil Nadu (Chennai), Andamans Berry, 1906
huddlestoni Bay of Bengal, Carpenters Ridge, 2780 m A. Alcock, 1893
hululensis Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1906
humberti Tamil Nadu (Kelaart, 1858)
humerosa Bay of Bengal Bréb
humerosa constricta Bay of Bengal Cl
humile Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Gulf of Mannar, Palk Bay Jőrgensen, 1911
humilis Orissa (Chilka Lake) (Preston, 1905)
humilis Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar N.G. Leske, 1778
humulifera Bay of Bengal Grun
