
Item count: 6357
Genus Subgenus Species Subspecies Host species Occurrence Authority References Contributors Note
Planaxis Planaxis niger niger Andaman & Nicobar Islands Quoy & Gaimard, 1834
Planaxis Planaxis sulcatus sulcatus Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Born, 1778)
Planaxis Planaxis suturalis suturalis Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1872
Plankotoniella sol Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Planktoiniella sol Bay of Bengal Schütt
Planktoniella Chilka Lake
Planktoniella sol Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Planktoniella sol Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Schutt
Planktoniella sol Vellar Estuary
Planktoniella sol Visakhapatnam Harbour
Planktonilela sol Chennai SchÜtt, 1895
Platocystoides polyaster Sphyraena obtusata, S. picuda Job, 1962
Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Platydoris scubra Nicobars (Cuvier, 1804)
Plaxiphora tricolor Tamil Nadu Thiele, 1969
Pleaurosigma aestuarii Godavari Estuary
Pleaurosigma delicatula Godavari Estuary
Plenosporium borreri (smith) Naeg., 1999
Pleorchis indicus Epinephelus diacanthus Puri Gupta & Puri, 1979
Pleorchis puriensis Sciaena volgeri Puri Gupta & Ahmad, 1976
Pleorchis sciaenae Pseudorhombus diacanthus, Sciaena spp Visakhapatnam Yamaguti, 1938
Pleorchis srivastavai Psettodes erumei Digha coast Saxena, Johri & Gupta, 2010
Plesiopenaeus armatus Bay of Bengal (Bate, 1881)
Plesiopenaeus coruscans Andamans (Wood-Mason, 1891)
Pleurobranchella nicobarica Nicobars Thiele, 1925
Pleurobranchus mamillatus Tamil Nadu Quoy & Gaimard, 1832
Pleuronema Pleuronema coronatum Kent, 1881
Pleuronema Pleuronema setigerum Calkins, 1905
Pleurophyllidiella paucidentata Andhra Pradesh (O'Donoghue, 1932)
Pleurosigma Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Pleurosigma Chilka Lake
Pleurosigma aestuarii Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Pleurosigma aestuarii Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Pleurosigma affinis Chilka Lake
Pleurosigma angulatum Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Pleurosigma angulatum Vellar Estuary
Pleurosigma carinatum Bay of Bengal Donk
Pleurosigma directum Bay of Bengal Grun
Pleurosigma diversistriatum Bay of Bengal Meister
Pleurosigma elongatum Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Pleurosigma elongatum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Pleurosigma elongatum Chilka Lake W. Smith
Pleurosigma elongatum Hoogly Estuary
Pleurosigma elongatum Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary W. Smith
Pleurosigma elongatum Vellar Estuary
Pleurosigma elongatum Visakhapatnam Harbour
Pleurosigma estuarii Vellar Estuary
Pleurosigma formosum Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Pleurosigma formosum Central Bay of Bengal
Pleurosigma laevis Bay of Bengal Compère
Pleurosigma nicobaricum Bay of Bengal Grun
Pleurosigma normanii Bay of Bengal Ralfs in Pritchard
Pleurosigma normanii Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Pleurosigma normanii Madras Coast
Pleurosigma speciosum Bay of Bengal W. Smith
Pleurosiogma aestuarii Chennai Brébisson
Pleurosiogma angulatum Chennai W. Smith
Pleurosiogma carinatum Chennai Donkin
Pleurosiogma elongatum Chennai W. Smith
Pleurosiogma galapagense Chennai Cleve
Pleurosiogma normanii Chennai Ralfs
Pleurosira laevis Bay of Bengal Compère
Pleurotoma Pleurotoma praesignis Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1895
Pleurotoma(Surcula) Pleurotoma(Surcula) nereis off Coromandel Coast E.A. Smith, 1906
Plicatula australis Tamil Nadu (Gulf of Mannar) J.B.P. de M. Lamarck, 1819
Plicatula plicata Andamans C. Linnaeus, 1764
Plinthaster investigatoris Andhra Pradesh: Off Krishna Delta A. Alcock, 1893
Pliocardia brevis Investigator Sta. 327: Bay of Bengal (E.A. Smith, 1906)
Pliocardia indica Andamans (E.A. Smith, 1904)
Plotosus canius Hamilton, 1822
Plotosus lineatus Bleeker, 1862
Pneophyllum confervicola (Kuetz) Cham., 1996, 1970
Podocotyle indica Marine fish Puri Pandey & Tewari, 1989
Podocotyloides parupenei Terapon puta, T. jarbua, T. theraps, Nemipterus japonicus Visakhapatnam Manter, 1963
Podocystis adriatica Bay of Bengal Kuetz
Podocystis spathulata Bay of Bengal V.H
Podolampus bipes Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Podolampus bipes Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Podolampus elegans Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Podolampus spinifera Bay of Bengal, Andaman Sea
Podophrya Podophrya sp. Kalavati and Raman, 2008
Podosira montagnei Chennai KÜtzing, 849
Podosira stelligera Bay of Bengal Mann
Polyandrocarpa chendurensis Thiruchendur Renganathan & Krishnaswamy, 1985
Polybranchia orientalis Andamans, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (Kelaart, 1857)
Polycarpa annandalei Madras Oka, 1915
Polycarpa AS 1324 C7 Kanyakumari Meenakshi, 2003 Note 1
Polycarpa AS 1350 C6 Kanyakumari Meenakshi, 2003 Note 1
Polycarpa aurita Tuticorin Sluiter, 1890
Polycarpa cryptocarpa Madras Sluiter, 1885
Polycarpa glebosa Andamans Sluiter, 1904
Polycarpa maniensis Mandapam Meenakshi, 1997
Polycarpa palkensis Tuticorin Herdman, 1906
Polycarpa papillata Gulf of Mannar Sluiter, 1885
Polycarpa pigmentata Tuticorin Herdman, 1906
Polycarpa scatterata Tuticorin Meenakshi, 1997
Polycheles typhlops Andaman Sea Heller, 1862
Polycitor calamus Tuticorin Kott, 1990
Polyclinum As 2046 AY1 Gulf of Mannar Meenakshi, 2003 Note 1
Polyclinum constellatum Madras Savigny, 1816
