Order: Nuculida

Item count: 8
Family Genus Species Occurrence Authoritysort descending References Contributors
Nuculidae Ennucula layardi Andamans (A. Adams, 1856)
Nuculidae Ennucula bengalensis Investigator Sta.162: Lat.13 51' 12'' N., Long. 80 28' 12'' E., Coromandel coast, Sta.280: Bay of Bengal, Lat. 11 29'15'' N., Long. 80 2' 30'' (E.A. Smith, 1895)
Nuculidae Ennucula convexa Andhra Pradesh, Orissa (Gopalpur, Puri), West Bengal, (Sandheads) (G.B. Sowerby I, 1833)
Nuculidae Ennucula cumingii Andhra Pradesh (Kakinada Bay), Andamans (R.B. Hinds, 1843)
Nuculidae Lamellinucula mitralis West Bengal (Sandheads), Orissa (Gopalpur, Puri), Puri), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (R.B. Hinds, 1843)
Nuculidae Nucula donaciformis Investigator Sta.162: Lat.13 51' 12'' N., Long. 80 28' 12'' E., Coromandel coast E.A. Smith, 1895
Nuculidae Acila divaricata Bay of Bengal (off the mouth of River Hugli) R.B. Hinds, 1843
Nuculidae Nucula marmorea Andamans R.B. Hinds, 1843