Order: Nuculanoida

Item count: 10
Family Genus Species Occurrence Authority References Contributorssort descending
Nuculanidae Nuculana brookIi Andaman & Nicobar Islands (S. Hanley, 1860)
Nuculanidae Nuculana commutata West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (R.A. Philippi, 1844)
Nuculanidae Nuculana fumosa Investigator Sta.162: Lat.13 51' 12'' N., Long. 80 28' 12'' E., Coromandel coast E.A. Smith, 1895
Nuculanidae Nuculana mauritiana Tamil Nadu (Pamban, Pulicat Lake) (G.B. Sowerby I, 1833)
Nuculanidae Nuculana retusa Andaman Islands R.B. Hinds, 1843
Neilonellidae Neilonella indica Investigator Sta.162: Lat.13 51' 12'' N., Long. 80 28' 12'' E., Coromandel coast (E.A. Smith, 1895)
Yoldiidae Yoldia anatina Investigator Sta. 130: Bay of Bengal, off Godavari delta E.A. Smith, 1896
Yoldiidae Yoldia nicobarica West bengal (off Ganges delta), Nicobars (J.B. Bruguiere, 1814)
Yoldiidae Orthoyoldia tenella Andamans (Semiramis Bay, Port Blair) R.B. Hinds, 1843
Malletiidae Malletia angulata Bay of Bengal G.B. Sowerby II, 1888