Family: Ophiodermatidae

Item count: 15
Genussort descending Species Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Bathypectinura heros Andhra Pradesh: Off Godavary Delta T. Lyman, 1879
Gymnopelta indica Andamans R. Koehler, 1897
Ophiarachna incrassata Andamans J.B.P.A. Lamarck de, 1816
Ophiarachnella gorgonia Andamans J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Ophiarachnella gorgonia Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Ophiarachnella infernalis Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Ophiarachnella infernalis Andamans J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Ophiarachnella infernalis Nicobrs J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Ophiarachnella intermedia Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar F.J. Bell, 1888
Ophiarachnella megaloplax Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar F.J. Bell, 1884
Ophiarachnella sphenesci Andamans F.J. Bell, 1884
Ophiarachnella sphenesci Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar F.J. Bell, 1884
Ophionereis porrecta Andamans T. Lyman, 1860
Ophiopeza custos Andamans R. Koehler, 1897
Ophiopsammus yoldii Andamans C.K. Lütken, 1856