Family: Amphiuridae

Item count: 28
Genus Species Occurrence Authoritysort descending References Contributors
Amphioplus depressus Orissa: Ganjam Coast; Andamans A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Amphioplus depressus Andhra Pradesh: Visakhapatnam, Kakinada A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Amphioplus hastatus West Bengal: Mouth of Hugli River A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Amphioplus hastatus Andamans A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Dougaloplus echinatus Orissa: Ganjam Coast A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Dougaloplus echinatus Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Amphioplus andreae Andamans C.K. Lütken, 1872
Amphioplus andreae Andhra Pradesh: Visakhapatnam C.K. Lütken, 1872
Ophiostigma formosa Orissa: Off Puri C.K. Lütken, 1899
Amphipholis squamata Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar Delle Chiaje, 1828
Amphipholis squamata Andamans Delle Chiaje, 1828
Amphipholis squamata Nicobrs Delle Chiaje, 1828
Amphioplus cyrtacanthus Andamans H.L. Clark, 1915
Amphiura septemspinosa Andamans H.L. Clark, 1915
Amphiura tenuis West Bengal: Matla H.L. Clark, 1938
Amphioplus gravelyi Tamil Nadu: Gulf of Mannar James, D.B
Ophiocentrus verticillatus Andamans L. Döderlein, 1896
Ophiocentrus verticillatus Andhra Pradesh: Visakhapatnam L. Döderlein, 1896
Amphiodia caullery Andhra Pradesh: Mouth of Krishna River R. Koehler, 1897
Amphiodia caullery Andamans R. Koehler, 1897
Amphiura dispar Andamans R. Koehler, 1897
Amphiura lorioli Bay of Bengal, 170 34’ N 870 59’ E R. Koehler, 1897
Amphipholis misera Andamans R. Koehler, 1899
Amphioplus personatus Andamans; Nicobrs R. Koehler, 1905
Ophiocentrus dilatatus Andamans R. Koehler, 1905
Amphiura famula Andamans R. Koehler, 1910
Amphioplus laevis ? West Bengal: Mouth of Hugli River T. Lyman, 1874
Amphioplus laevis ? Andamans T. Lyman, 1874