
Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Orissa, Andaman Sea (E.A. Smith, 1894)
Orissa, Andaman slands (L.H. Reeve, 1858)
Orissa, Andaman slands Lamarck, 1822
Orissa, Andamans (J, B.P. de M. Lamarck, 1819)
Orissa, Andamans (L.H. Reeve, 1846)
Orissa, Andamans Goodrich, 1896
Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman Islands R. Winckworth, 1927
Orissa, W. Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andaman Islands (Born, 1778)
Orissa, West Bengal (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Orissa, West Bengal H.B. Preston, 1914
Orissa, West Bengal Martens, 1879
Orissa, West Bengal (Kakdwip) (A. Adams & L.H. Reeve
Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833)
Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands Pfeiffer, 1758
Orissa: 28 miles SW of Puri J.E. Gray, 1845
Orissa: 4 miles S of Ganjam; Andamans J.E. Gray, 1840
Orissa: 5 miles S of Ganjam J.E. Gray, 1840
Orissa: Balasore Bay J. Müller and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Orissa: Balasore Bay R. Koehler, 1910
Orissa: Gahirmatha coast A. Agassiz, 1872
Orissa: Ganjam J.B.P.A. Lamarck de, 1816
Orissa: Ganjam Coas N.G. Leske, 1778
Orissa: Ganjam Coast A.E. Grube, 1868
Orissa: Ganjam Coast A.H. Clark, 1909
Orissa: Ganjam Coast A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Orissa: Ganjam coast C.K. Lütken, 1869
Orissa: Ganjam Coast J.C.H. de Meijere, 1903
Orissa: Ganjam Coast L. Agassiz and E. Desor, 1846
Orissa: Ganjam Coast Lamarck, J.B.P.A. de, 1816
Orissa: Ganjam Coast R. Koehler, 1899
Orissa: Ganjam Coast; Andamans A.V. Ljungman, 1867
Orissa: Gopalpore; Tamil Nadu: Mahabalipuram L. Döderlein, 1917
Orissa: Gopalpur; Tamil Nadu: Pondicherry N.G. Leske, 1778
Orissa: Konark; Andamans Klein In: Leske, N.G., 1778
Orissa: Mouth of Devi River, Puri; Tamil Nadu: Chennai L. Döderlein, 1888
Orissa: Off and entarnce to Chilika Lake J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Orissa: Off Gopalpore A.H. Clark, 1912
Orissa: Off Gopalpore Hartlaub, 1890
Orissa: Off Gopalpore J. Müller, 1846
Orissa: Off Puri C.K. Lütken, 1899
Orissa: Off Puri J. Müller, and F.H. Troschel, 1842
Orissa: Off Puri, Off Chilika Lake A.E. Verrill, 1869
Orissa: Off Puri, Off Gopalpore P.H. Carpenter, 1881
Orissa: Orissa coast P. de Loriol, 1876
Orissa: Orissa Coast; Andamans H.M. de Blainville, 1827
Orissa: Orissa Coast; Andhra Pradesh: Santapalli N.G. Leske, 1778
Orissa: Orissa Coast; Andhra Pradesh: Santapalli T. Mortensen, 1903
Orissa: Puri G. Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1887
Orissa: Puri; Andamans A. Agassiz, 1863
Orissa: SW of Puri; Andamans A.R.S. Anderson, 1894
Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar Alcock, 1905
Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar De Man, 1888
Palk Bay, Gulf of Mannar, Andamans (Randall, 1840)
Palk Strait Herdman, 1906
Pamban, Kilakarai, Tuticorin, Andaman & Nicobar (Brooks, 1886)
Pamban, Mandapam, Kilakarai, Parangipettai, Sundarbans (White, 1848)
Paradeeep down to Gulf of Mannar, Andamans (Alcock, 1905)
Parangipeetai, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Orissa coast, Sandhead (Eydoux & Souleyet, 1841)
Parangipettai Ehrenberg
Parangipettai Manning, 1968
Parangipettai, Chennai (Nobili, 1903)
Parangipettai, Chennai, , Visakhapatnam, Sandheads (Kemp, 1911)
Parangipettai, Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Andamans (Kemp, 1911)
Parangipettai, Krusadai Island (Herbst, 1804)
Parangipettai, off Orissa Blumstein, 1974
Parangipettai, Sandheads (Wood-Mason, 1895)
Parangipettai, Vellar Hendey
Parangipettai, Vellar Lauder
Parangipettai, Vellar, Chennai, Coleroon Estuary Mayer
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Brightwell
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Cleve
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Ehrenberg
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Grunow
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Hallegraeff
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Meresch
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Ralfs
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Round
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Schutt
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary SundstrÖm
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary Van Heurck
Parangipettai, Vellar, Coleroon Coast, Coleroon Estuary W. Smith
Pducherry, Tamil Nadu, Andamans (Recluz, 1844)
Port Blair (Haswell, 1879)
Port Blair (Kishinouye, 1900)
Port Blair, Andaman (Claus, 1871)
Port Blair, Andaman (Wood-Mason, 1875)
Port Blair, Andaman Islands (G.B. Sowerby III, 1894)
Port Blair, Andamans
Port Blair, Andamans (A.M. Edwards, 1873)
Port Blair, Andamans H.B. Preston, 1908
Port Blair, Andamans Pease, 1861
Porto Novo
Porto Novo Braun
Porto Novo Cleve
Porto Novo Daday
Porto Novo Gourret
Porto Novo Grunow
Porto Novo Lauder
Porto Novo Mangin
Probably from vicinity of India R. Koehler, 1909
