
Item count: 6358
Genus Species Variety Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Chaetoceros messanensis Chennai Castracane, 1876
Chaetoceros messanensis Western Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros mitra Bay of Bengal Cl
Chaetoceros nitzschioides Chilka Lake Grunow
Chaetoceros paradoxum Chennai Cleve
Chaetoceros paradoxus Bay of Bengal Cl
Chaetoceros pelagicus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros pelagicus Chennai Cleve
Chaetoceros pelagicus Visakhapatnam Harbour
Chaetoceros pendulus Chilka Lake Karsten
Chaetoceros perpusillus Chilka Lake Cleve
Chaetoceros peruvianus Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros peruvianus Central Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros peruvianus Chennai Brightwell
Chaetoceros peruvianus Chilka Lake Brightwell
Chaetoceros peruvianus Vellar Estuary
Chaetoceros peruvianus forma robusta Chennai Hustedt
Chaetoceros peruvianus robusta Bay of Bengal Brightwell
Chaetoceros socialis Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros socialis Chennai Lauder
Chaetoceros socialis Western Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros subtile Porto Novo Cleve
Chaetoceros subtilis Western Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros tortissimus Central Bay of Bengal
Chaetoceros van Heureckii Chennai Gran
Chaetoceros vanhauckii Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Chaetoceros wighami Chennai Brightwell
Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillw.) Kuetz., 2000
Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory) Harv., 2000, 1990, 1970
Chaetomorpha brachygona Harv., 1970
Chaetomorpha indica (Kuetz) Kuetz, 1953
Chaetomorpha intestinalis Kuetz, 1983
Chaetomorpha linoides Kuetz, 1970
Chaetomorpha linum (Muell.) Kuetz, 1999
Chaetomorpha littorea Harv., 1985
Chaetomorpha spiralis Okamura , 2000, 1970
Champia disticha Dawson, 2000
Champia parvula (C. Ag.) Harv., 1985
Chlorella Vellar Estuary
Chlorogonium Visakhapatnam
Chnoospora minima Papen., 1970
Chondria armata (Kuetz.) Okamura, 1985
Chondria cornuta Boerg., 1970
Chondrocanthus acicularis (Roth.) Fred., 1996, 1990, 1970
Chondrus crispus Stack., 1983
Chromulina Visakhapatnam
Chroodactylon ornatum (C. Ag.) Basson, 2000
Citharistes apsteini Bay of Bengal
Citharistes apsteini Schutt Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Cladophora colabensis Boerg., 1970
Cladophora glomerata var. crassior (C. Ag.) Van den Hoek., 2000, 1990
Cladophora lehmanniana (Linden) Kuetz, 2000, 1970
Cladophora patentiramea (Mont.) Kuetz., 1990
Cladophora saracenica Boerg., 1990
Cladophora saviniana Boerg., 1990
Cladophora socialis Kuetz., 1999, 1970
Cladophora uncinella Harv., 2000
Cladophora vagabunda (Linn) Vanden Hoek, 1985b
Cladophoropsis javanica (Kuetz) Silva, 1996, 2000
Climacodium biconcavum Central Bay of Bengal
Climacodium frauenfeldianum Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Climacodium frauenfeldianum Chennai GrÜnow
Climaconeis lorenzii Bay of Bengal grun
Climacosphenia Bay of Bengal
Climacosphenia elongata Bay of Bengal Bail
Climacosphenia elongata Chennai Bailey
Climacosphenia moniligera Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Climacosphenia moniligera Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Climacosphenia moniligera Chennai Ehrenberg
Cocconeis dirupta Bay of Bengal Greg
Cocconeis distans Bay of Bengal Greg
Cocconeis gibbocalyx Bay of Bengal Brun
Cocconeis heteroidea Bay of Bengal Hantz
Cocconeis littoralis Bay of Bengal Subrahmanyan
Cocconeis littoralis Chennai Subrahmanyan., 1946
Cocconeis pediculus Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Cocconeis pellucida Bay of Bengal Hantz
Cocconeis placentula Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Cocconeis pseudomarginata Bay of Bengal Greg
Cocconeis scutellum Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Cocconeis sigmoides Chennai Subrahmanyan., 1946
Cocconeis weissflogii Bay of Bengal Hendey
Cochlodinium Visakhapatnam
Codium arabicum Kuetz, 1985a, b
Codium dwarakense Boerg., 2004
Codium geppiorum Schim, 1985b
Codium iyengarii Boerg, 1953
Codium tomentosum Stack, 1990
Colpomenia sinuosa (Mart. ex Roth) Derb.& Sol., 1990
Corethron Bay of Bengal, Waltair
Corethron criophilum Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Corethron hystrix Chennai Hensen
Corethron hystrix Chilka Lake Hensen
Coscinodiscus Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus Central Bay of Bengal, Western Bay of Bengal
Coscinodiscus Chilka Lake
Coscinodiscus apiculatus Bay of Bengal Ehrenb
Coscinodiscus apiculatus Chennai Ehrenberg
