Species referenced in:
Item count: 2
Phylum | Subphylum | Class | Order | Suborder | Family | Genus | Species | Occurrence | Authority | References | Contributors |
Arthropoda | Crustacea | Malacostraca | Decapoda | Macrura Reptantia | Nephropidae | Nephropsis | carpenteri | Sandheads to Nagapatinam | Wood-Mason, 1885 | Alcock, A., 1894, Alcock, A. et al., 1896, Thirumilu, P. et al., 2003, Wood-Mason, J., 1885 | Kathirvel, M. |
Arthropoda | Crustacea | Malacostraca | Decapoda | Macrura Reptantia | Palinuridae | Puerulus | sewelli | Andhra to Gulf of Mannar | Ramadan, 1938 | Ninan, S. et al., 1984, Somavanshi, V.S. et al., 1984, Thirumilu, P. et al., 2003 | Kathirvel, M. |