Species referenced


Item count: 8754
Class Subclass Family Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Subspecies Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo petholatus Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo petholatus Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo radiatus Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands Gmelin, 1791
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo radiatus Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands Gmelin, 1791
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo sparverius Andaman Islands Gmelin, 1791
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo sparverius Andaman Islands Gmelin, 1791
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo( argyrostomus Andaman Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turbinidae Turbininae Turbo( argyrostomus Andaman Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula congener Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1894)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula congener Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1894)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula congener Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1894)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula gilchristi off Andamans (G.B. Sowerby III, 1902)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula gilchristi off Andamans (G.B. Sowerby III, 1902)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula gilchristi off Andamans (G.B. Sowerby III, 1902)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula optata Bay of Bengal (E.A. Snith, 1899)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula optata Bay of Bengal (E.A. Snith, 1899)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula optata Bay of Bengal (E.A. Snith, 1899)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula speciosa Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1842)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula speciosa Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1842)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula speciosa Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1842)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula vagata Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1895)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula vagata Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1895)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Gemmula Gemmula vagata Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1895)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Iotyrris Iotyrris cingulifera Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1829)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Iotyrris Iotyrris cingulifera Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1829)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Iotyrris Iotyrris cingulifera Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1829)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Lophiotoma Lophiotoma acuta Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (Perry, 1811)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Lophiotoma Lophiotoma acuta Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (Perry, 1811)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Lophiotoma Lophiotoma acuta Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (Perry, 1811)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Lophiotoma Lophiotoma indica Andaman Islands, Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Lophiotoma Lophiotoma indica Andaman Islands, Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Lophiotoma Lophiotoma indica Andaman Islands, Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Lophiotoma Lophiotoma tigrina off Coromandel Coast (Lamarck, 1827)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Pleurotoma Pleurotoma praesignis Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1895
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Pleurotoma Pleurotoma praesignis Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1895
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Pleurotoma Pleurotoma praesignis Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1895
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Pleurotoma(Surcula) Pleurotoma(Surcula) nereis off Coromandel Coast E.A. Smith, 1906
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Pleurotoma(Surcula) Pleurotoma(Surcula) nereis off Coromandel Coast E.A. Smith, 1906
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Pleurotoma(Surcula) Pleurotoma(Surcula) nereis off Coromandel Coast E.A. Smith, 1906
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Turridrupa Turridrupa acutigemmata West Bengal, Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1877)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Turridrupa Turridrupa bijubata off Coromandel Coast (L.H. Reeve, 1843)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Turridrupa Turridrupa bijubata off Coromandel Coast (L.H. Reeve, 1843)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Turridrupa Turridrupa bijubata off Coromandel Coast (L.H. Reeve, 1843)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Turris Turris annulata East Coast, Andaman Islands L.H. Reeve, 1843
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Turris Turris annulata East Coast, Andaman Islands L.H. Reeve, 1843
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Turris Turris annulata East Coast, Andaman Islands L.H. Reeve, 1843
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Typhlosyrinx Typhlosyrinx vepallida Andaman Islands (Martens, 1902)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Typhlosyrinx Typhlosyrinx vepallida Andaman Islands (Martens, 1902)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Typhlosyrinx Typhlosyrinx vepallida Andaman Islands (Martens, 1902)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Unedogemmula Unedogemmula unedo (Kiener, 1840)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Unedogemmula Unedogemmula unedo (Kiener, 1840)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turridae Unedogemmula Unedogemmula unedo (Kiener, 1840)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella attenuata attenuata Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa, West Bengal .L.H. Reeve, 1849
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella attenuata attenuata Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa, West Bengal .L.H. Reeve, 1849
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella attenuata attenuata Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa, West Bengal .L.H. Reeve, 1849
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella columnaris columnaris Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa Kiener, 1844
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella columnaris columnaris Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa Kiener, 1844
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella columnaris columnaris Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa Kiener, 1844
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella duplicata duplicata Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella duplicata duplicata Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella duplicata duplicata Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella fastigiata fastigiata Andaman Islands Adams & L.H. Reeve, 1850
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella fastigiata fastigiata Andaman Islands Adams & L.H. Reeve, 1850
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella fastigiata fastigiata Andaman Islands Adams & L.H. Reeve, 1850
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella gemmata gemmata ? L.H. Reeve, 1844
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella gemmata gemmata ? L.H. Reeve, 1844
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella gemmata gemmata ? L.H. Reeve, 1844
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella infraconstricta infraconstricta Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1878
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella infraconstricta infraconstricta Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1878
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella infraconstricta infraconstricta Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1878
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella monilifera monilifera Andaman Islands Adams & L.H. Reeve, 1850
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella monilifera monilifera Andaman Islands Adams & L.H. Reeve, 1850
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella monilifera monilifera Andaman Islands Adams & L.H. Reeve, 1850
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella vermicularis vermicularis Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa (Brocchi, 1814)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella vermicularis vermicularis Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa (Brocchi, 1814)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Turritellidae Turritella Turritella vermicularis vermicularis Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Orissa (Brocchi, 1814)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro cancellata cancellata Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andamans (Lamarck, 1822)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro cancellata cancellata Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andamans (Lamarck, 1822)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro cancellata cancellata Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Andamans (Lamarck, 1822)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro depressa depressa Andaman Islands Preston, 1908
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro depressa depressa Andaman Islands Preston, 1908
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro depressa depressa Andaman Islands Preston, 1908
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro plicata plicata Andamans (Recluz, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro plicata plicata Andamans (Recluz, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro plicata plicata Andamans (Recluz, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro rosea rosea Andamans (Recluz, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro rosea rosea Andamans (Recluz, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vanikoridae Vanikoro Vanikoro rosea rosea Andamans (Recluz, 1844)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Velutinidae Lamellaria Lamellaria indica indica Tamil Nadu Leach
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Velutinidae Lamellaria Lamellaria indica indica Tamil Nadu Leach
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Velutinidae Lamellaria Lamellaria indica indica Tamil Nadu Leach
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vermetidae Dendropoma Dendropoma andamanica andamanica Andamans (B. Prashad & H.S. Rao, 1933)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vermetidae Dendropoma Dendropoma andamanica andamanica Andamans (B. Prashad & H.S. Rao, 1933)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vermetidae Dendropoma Dendropoma andamanica andamanica Andamans (B. Prashad & H.S. Rao, 1933)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vermetidae Dendropoma Dendropoma maximum maximum Andaman Islands (G.B. Sowerby, 1825)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vermetidae Dendropoma Dendropoma maximum maximum Andaman Islands (G.B. Sowerby, 1825)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Vermetidae Dendropoma Dendropoma maximum maximum Andaman Islands (G.B. Sowerby, 1825)
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Volutidae Cymbinae Melo Melo melo Tamil Nadu Solander, 1786
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Volutidae Cymbinae Melo Melo melo Tamil Nadu Solander, 1786
Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Volutidae Cymbinae Melo Melo melo Tamil Nadu Solander, 1786
