
Item count: 6358
Class Subclass Order Suborder Family Subfamily Genus Species Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Sepiida Sepiina Sepiolidae Inioteuthis japonica Tamil Nadu (Chennai), Andamans Verrill, 1881
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Sepiida Sepiina Sepiolidae Inioteuthis maculosa Tamil Nadu (Chennai), Andamans, Orissa Goodrich, 1896
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Sepiida Sepiina Sepiolidae Sepiola birostrata Andra Pradesh (Visakhapatnam) Sasaki, 1920
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Sepiida Spirulina Spirulidae Spirula spirula Tamil Nadu, Nicobar Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Myopsida Loligenidae Doryteuthis singhalensis Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal Ortman, 1891
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Myopsida Loligenidae Loligo bengalensis Tamil Nadu (Chennai) Jothinayagam, 1987
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Myopsida Loligenidae Loligo duvauceli Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Andamans Orbigny, 1835
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Myopsida Loligenidae Loligo uvii Tamil Nadu (Chennai), Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Andamans Wakiya & Ishikawa, 1921
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Myopsida Loligenidae Loliolus investigatoris Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal Goodrich, 1896
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Myopsida Loligenidae Sepioteuthis lessoniana Tamil Nadu, Andamans Lesson, 1930
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Chiroteuthidae Chiroteuthis imperator Coromandel coast, Bay of Bengal Chenu, 1910
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Chiroteuthidae Chiroteuthis macrosoma Bay of Bengal Goodrich, 1896
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Chiroteuthidae Chiroteuthis pellucida Bay of Bengal Goodrich, 1896
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Cranchiidae Hensenioteuthis joubini Southern Bay of Bengal Pfeffer, 1912
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Cranchiidae Megalocranchia abyssicola Southern Bay of Bengal Hoyle, 1885
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Endoploteuthidae Endoploteuthinae Abralia andamanica Andamans Goodrich, 1896
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Endoploteuthidae Endoploteuthinae Abraliopsis lineata Orissa, Andamans Goodrich, 1896
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Histoteuthidae Calliteuthis japonica Andamans Massy, 1916
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Histoteuthidae Histioteuthis hoylei Andamans Goodrich, 1896
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Histoteuthidae Histioteuthis reversa Andamans Verrill, 1881
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Ommastrephidae Symplectoteuthis oualaniensis Southern Bay of bengal Lesson, 1830
Cephlopoda Coeloidea Teuthida Oegopsida Onychoteuthidae Onychia caribaea Northern Bay of Bengal Lesueur, 1821
Cephlopoda Nautiloidea Nautilida Nautilidae Nautilus pompilius Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Chlorophyceae Acetabularia calyculus Lamour., 1953, 1985a, 1978
Chlorophyceae Acetabularia crenulata var. monodisca Boerg., 2000
Chlorophyceae Acetabularia parvula Solms Laubach-Valet., 1999
Chlorophyceae Acrosiphonia orientalis (J. Ag.) Silva., 2000, 1970
Chlorophyceae Anadyomene stellata (Wulf.) J. Ag., 1990
Chlorophyceae Anadyomene wightii Harv. In Gray., 2000
Chlorophyceae Avrainvillea amadelpha (Mont.) Gepp.& Gepp., 2009
Chlorophyceae Avrainvillea erecta (Berk.) Gepp.& Gepp., 1990
Chlorophyceae Boergesenia forbessii (Harv.) Feldm., 1990
Chlorophyceae Boodlea composita (Harv.) Brand., 1985 b
Chlorophyceae Boodlea struveoides Howe., 1970
Chlorophyceae Boodleopsis indica Umamaheswar., 1999
Chlorophyceae Bornetella nitida Sond., 2000
Chlorophyceae Bryopsis pachynema Mart., 1983
Chlorophyceae Bryopsis pennata Lamour., 1970, 1983
Chlorophyceae Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Ag., 1985
Chlorophyceae Bryopsis tenuissima De Nort., 1983
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa cupressoides (Vahl) C. Ag., 1983
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa fastigiata Mont., 1970
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa filicoides var.andamanensis Taylor , 2001
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa mexicana Sond. ex Kuetz, 2000
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa mexicana forma indica Umamaheswar., 2000
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa microphysa (Web.V. Boss) Feldm., 1985b
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa occidentalis (J. Ag.) Jassund, 1985 b
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa peltata Lamour., 1990
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa racemosa (Forssk) J. Ag., 1990
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa racemosa var. macrophysa (Kuetz) Taylor , 1985b, 1970
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa serrulata (Forssk.) J. Ag., 1990
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa sertularioides (Gmelin) Howe , 1990, 1970
Chlorophyceae Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl.) C. Ag., 1985b, 1970
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillw.) Kuetz., 2000
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha antennina (Bory) Harv., 2000, 1990, 1970
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha brachygona Harv., 1970
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha indica (Kuetz) Kuetz, 1953
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha intestinalis Kuetz, 1983
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha linoides Kuetz, 1970
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha linum (Muell.) Kuetz, 1999
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha littorea Harv., 1985
Chlorophyceae Chaetomorpha spiralis Okamura , 2000, 1970
Chlorophyceae Chlorella Vellar Estuary
Chlorophyceae Cladophora
Chlorophyceae Cladophora colabensis Boerg., 1970
Chlorophyceae Cladophora glomerata var. crassior (C. Ag.) Van den Hoek., 2000, 1990
Chlorophyceae Cladophora lehmanniana (Linden) Kuetz, 2000, 1970
Chlorophyceae Cladophora patentiramea (Mont.) Kuetz., 1990
Chlorophyceae Cladophora saracenica Boerg., 1990
Chlorophyceae Cladophora saviniana Boerg., 1990
Chlorophyceae Cladophora socialis Kuetz., 1999, 1970
Chlorophyceae Cladophora uncinella Harv., 2000
Chlorophyceae Cladophora vagabunda (Linn) Vanden Hoek, 1985b
Chlorophyceae Cladophoropsis javanica (Kuetz) Silva, 1996, 2000
Chlorophyceae Codium arabicum Kuetz, 1985a, b
Chlorophyceae Codium dwarakense Boerg., 2004
Chlorophyceae Codium geppiorum Schim, 1985b
Chlorophyceae Codium iyengarii Boerg, 1953
Chlorophyceae Codium tomentosum Stack, 1990
Chlorophyceae Cosmarium Chilka Lake
Chlorophyceae Dasycladus ramosus Cham., 2000
Chlorophyceae Derbesia turbinata Howe et Hoyl, 1970
Chlorophyceae Desmidium swartzii
Chlorophyceae Dichotomosiphon erecta Mukho.& Pal, 2004
Chlorophyceae Dictyosphaeria cevernosa (Forssk.) Boerg., 1990
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth.) Grev., 1985b
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha compressa (Linn) Grev., 1953, 1983, 2000, 1999, 1970
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha flexuosa (Wulf.) J. Ag., 2000
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha flexuosa ssp. paradoxa (C. Ag.) Blid, 2000, 1999
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha gujaratensis Kale, 2003
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linn) Nees, 1953, 2003, 2000, 1990
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha linza (Linn.) J. Ag., 2000
Chlorophyceae Enteromorpha prolifera (Muell.) J. Ag., 2000, 1983
Chlorophyceae Halimeda discoidea Decai., 1990
Chlorophyceae Halimeda gracilis Harv. ex J. Ag., 1990
Chlorophyceae Halimeda incrassata (Ellis) Lamour., 1983
Chlorophyceae Halimeda macroloba Decai., 1990
Chlorophyceae Halimeda opuntia (Linn.) Lamour., 1983
Chlorophyceae Halimeda tuna (Ellis & Sol.) Lamour., 1990
