Checklist: Molluscs

Contributed by: Dr. N.V. Subba Rao

Item count: 2016
Phylumsort descending Class Subclass Family Subfamily Genus Subgenus Species Subspecies Occurrence Authority References Contributors
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva andamanensis Andaman Islands Bridgman, 1906
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva annulata Andaman Islands Gmelin, 1791
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva australis Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands Duclos, 1840
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva caerulea Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva funebralis Andaman Islands Lamarck, 1811
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva inflata Andaman Islands Lamarck, 1811
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva irisans Andaman Islands Lamarck, 18112
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva leucostoma Andaman & Nicobar Islands Duclos, 1835
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva maculata Andaman & Nicobar Islands Duclos, 1835
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva miniacea Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva mustellina Andaman Islands Lamarck, 1811
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva nobilis Pufucherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh L.H. Reeve
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva oliva Orissa, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 17580
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva panniculata Andaman Islands Duclos, 1835
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva picta Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands L.H. Reeve, 1850
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva sericea Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva sidelia Andaman Islands Duclos, 1835
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva todosina Andaman Islands Duclos, 1835
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva tricolor Andaman Islands Lamarck, 1811
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva undatella Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa Lamarck, 1811
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Olividae Olivinae Oliva Oliva vidua Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh 9Roeding, 17980
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ovulidae Calpurnus Calpurnus verrucosus verrucosus Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ovulidae Ovula Ovula ovum ovum Andaman Islands C. Linnaeus, 1758
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ovulidae Prionovolva Prionovolva brevis brevis Andaman Islands G.B. So1828werby
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ovulidae Pseudosimnia Pseudosimnia fruticum fruticum Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1863)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ovulidae Pseudosimnia Pseudosimnia punctata punctata Tamil Nadu, Andaman Islands (Duclos, 1831)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ovulidae Volva Volva volva volva Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Tamil Nadu C. Linnaeus, 1758
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Personidae Distorsio Distorsio anus anus Nicobars (C. Linnaeus, 1758
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Personidae Distorsio Distorsio reticularis reticularis Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Phasianellidae Phasianella nivosa Tamil Nadu L.H. Reeve, 1862
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Phasianellidae Tricolia indica Tamil Nadu Wincworth, 1940
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Phenacolepadidae Phenacolepas crenulata Tamil Nadu Broderip, 1847
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Planaxidae Planaxis Planaxis ineptus ineptus Andaman Islands (Gould, 1806)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Planaxidae Planaxis Planaxis niger niger Andaman & Nicobar Islands Quoy & Gaimard, 1834
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Planaxidae Planaxis Planaxis sulcatus sulcatus Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Born, 1778)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Planaxidae Planaxis Planaxis suturalis suturalis Andaman Islands E.A. Smith, 1872
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Planaxidae Fossariinae Fossaria Fossaria imitatrix imitatrix Orissa (Chilka Lake) (H.B. Preston, 1915)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Potamididae Cerithidea Cerithidea alata alata Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Andamans (Philippi, 1849)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Potamididae Cerithidea Cerithidea cingulata cingulata Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman Islands (Gmelin, 1791)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Potamididae Cerithidea Cerithidea obtusa obtusa Mangroves along east coast and, Nicobar Islands (Lamarck, 1822)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Potamididae Cerithidea Cerithidea quadrata quadrata Andaman Islands G.B. Sowerby II, 1866
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Potamididae Pyrazus Pyrazus ebeninus ebeninus Tamil Nadu (Bruguiere, 1792)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Potamididae Telescopium Telescopium telescopium telescopium Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Potamididae Terebralia Terebralia palustris palustris Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Comitas Comitas aracana off Andamns (E.A. Smith, 1899)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Comitas Comitas breviplicata Off Coromandel coast, off Andaman Islands (E.A. Smith, 1899)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Comitas Comitas exstructa Andamans (Martens, 19020
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Comitas Comitas margaritae southern extremity of India (E.A. Smith, 1904)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Comitas Comitas symbiota Off Coromandel coast, off Andaman Islands (Woodmason & Alcock, 1891)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Comitas Comitas urania Tamil Nadu (E.A. Smith, 1906)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Funa Funa flavidula Andhra Pradesh, Andamans Lamarck, 1822
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Funa Funa tayloriana Bay of Bengal (L.H. Reeve, 1846)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Ptychobela Ptychobela griffithii Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa Gray, 1834
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pseudomelatomidae Ptychobela Ptychobela nodulosa off Andaman Islands (Gmelin, 1791)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Chrysallida decorata ? Andaman Islands (Philippi, 1849)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Chrysallida ecclesia Orissa (Chilka Lake) (Preston, 1915)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Chrysallida nadiensis Orissa (Chilka Lake) (Preston, 1915)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Eulimastoma canaliculatum Andaman Islands (C.B. Adams, 1850)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Menestho acuminata Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Milda ventricosa Andaman & Nicobar Islandss (Guerin, 1831)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Mormula philippiaa Andaman Islands (Dunker, 1860)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Odostomia andamanensis Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Odostomia babylonica Tamil Nadu, Orissa, West Bengal Winckworth, 1940
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Odostomia chilkaensis Orissa (Chilka Lake) Preston, 1914
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Odostomia oxia Tamil Nadu, Orissa, West Bengal Watson, 1886
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Odostomia pfeifferi Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Otopleura auriscati Andam, an & Nicobar Islands (Holten, 1802)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Pyramidella dolabrata terebellum West Bengal, Andamans (Mueller, 1774)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Pyramidella maculosa Andaman & Nicobar Islands Lamarck, 1822
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Quierella humilis Orissa (Chilka Lake) (Preston, 1905)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Syrnola brunnea Andaman Islands (A. Adams, 1854)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Syrnola dubiosa Orissa (G. Nevill & H. Nevill, 1871)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Turbonilla felicita West Bengal Laseron, 1959
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Turbonilla foveolata Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Turbonilla rambhaensis Orissa (Chilka Lake) (H.B. Preston, 1914)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Pyramidellidae Turbonilla rubrobrunnea Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellidae Biplex Biplex bozzeti bozzeti Tamil Nadu (Tuticorin) Beu, 1998
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Biplex Biplex perca perca Andaman Islands (Perry, 1811)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Biplex Biplex pulchra pulchra Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Andamans (Gray in G.B. Sowerby, 1836)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Gyrineum Gyrineum bituberculare bituberculare Andaman Islands (Lamarck, 1816)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Gyrineum Gyrineum gyrinum gyrinum Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Gyrineum Gyrineum natator natator Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, West Bengal (Roeding, 1791)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Gyrineum Gyrineum wilmerianum wilmerianum Andaman Islands H.B. Preston, 1908
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Charonia Charonia tritonis tritonis Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Gelagna Gelagna cumacea cumacea Tamil Nadu (Lamarck, 1816)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Gelagna Gelagna succincta succincta Andaman Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1771)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Gutturnium Gutturnium muricinum muricinum Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Roeding, 1798)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Lotoria Lotoria lotoria lotoria Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Monoplex Monoplex amictus amictus Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1844)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Monoplex Monoplex gemmatus gemmatus Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1844)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Monoplex Monoplex nicobaricus nicobaricus Andaman & Nicobar Islands (Roeding, 17981)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Monoplex Monoplex pilearis pilearis Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands (C. Linnaeus, 1758)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Monoplex Monoplex thersites thersites Nicobars (L.H. Reeve, 1844)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Monoplex Monoplex tranquebaricus tranquebaricus Tamil Nadu (Lamarck, 1816)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Monoplex Monoplex vespaceus vespaceus Tamil Nadu (Lamarck, 1822)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Ranularia Ranularia andamanensis andamanensis Andaman Islands (Beu, 1987)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Ranularia Ranularia encaustica encaustica Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1844)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Ranularia Ranularia exilis exilis Andaman Islands L.H. Reeve, 1844
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Ranularia Ranularia gallinago gallinago Andaman Islands (L.H. Reeve, 1844)
Mollusca Gastropoda Vetigastropoda Ranellinae Cymatiinae Ranularia Ranularia guttornium guttornium Andaman Islands (Roeding, 1798)
